Your store sends automated email notifications to your customers on following instances:

Notifications Events
Order Confirmation When a shopper places an order on your online store, your store sends order confirmation with details of product information
 Order Fully processed  When you fully process order, your store sends email to your shopper with shipping details such as shipping carrier, shipping date, tracking code etc.
 Order Cancelled  The email is sent when you cancel an order
 Order Ready to Dispatch  Before you ship an order, you get a chance to mark order as 'ready to ship'. You mark, the email triggers
 New customer signup welcome message  At the time of customer registration on your online store. The email contains registration activation code.
 Customer forgot password recovery email  When shopper is unable to login and request password recovery, the email is sent
 Resent registration activation code For some reason if shopper doesn't get activation email. Your store will prompt user to send activation code. This is when an email is shot
 Abandoned Cart   While completing checkout, when shopper fails to complete the shopping, your store sends automated shopping cart details with an option to complete the checkout

Steps to Edit Email triggers

  1. Go to Dashboard > Settings > Notifications
  2. Click on 'Email Triggers'
  3. You will see list of all the email triggers
  4. Click on the list to edit
  5. You can change subject of the email and edit content of the email templates
  6. Click the 'Preview' link to see the change
  7. Hit Save Template to save the changes you have made